Friday, October 24, 2014

"Let's GO!"

Well, well well! I am back with a speedpainting I did today during a masterclass with Stéphane Baton, an illustrator who works in Ankama doing mostly layouts. I hope you enjoy it and recognize this little cute mouse! :D

Friday, October 17, 2014

"Captain Papership!"

What's up, what's up? Today I upload an ink drawing I did for fun. 

I got motivated by the inktover event, eventhough to participate in "inktover" people have to do one ink drawing everyday, so I am doing just this one, because afterall, I want to try other technics like always!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Character Design | Bátùh el mono baba"

Hello everybody! I am bringing new characters to this blog. I will also animate this one.
I introduce you Bátùh, the sluggish monkey!
I wanted to do the most stupid monkey ever so I can have some fun animating it.